
"So you know that thing, where you're in a foreign country, say, like, ECUADOR, where you basically, generally speak the language, but also kind of not really? Say maybe 'cause your Aunt needed some books for work, and it was cheaper to fly someone down than to ship them, or something? And you're sorta unemployed still, so you were actually kinda free to go? Then, for the sake of argument, there was also a potential project with your other Aunt bearing consideration in the Amazon? But because this whole thing's all so short notice, the logistics are trick, and by the time you get positive confirmation from her contact there, it's already the middle of the night, and the only VIABLE way to make it happen is to get on an all night bus leaving in 40 MINUTES from HALF an HOUR away? So you have that long to decide whether or not to pull the trigger, pack, and leave the house? And then all the stations are closed, since it's the middle of the night, so you have to rely on word of mouth from the other bus drivers nice enough to stop, to piece together the schedule, leap-frogging through the night to find the right stop? All so you can get on this bus, ALONE, in a foreign country, where you kinda sorta speak the language, so it can take you to the last bastion of civilization, where you'll meet these people you don't actually know, so you can drive another 2 HOURS to the end of the road, where you'll switch to a CANOE to motor another HOUR and a HALF into the jungle to see if you can't suss this thing out?" "You know that thing?" "No?.." "Oh yeah, me neither....."

Ok yeah, so I'm basically just bragging a bit...

...But hey, if anyone ever questions just how amenable I actually am...

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