Of course, your standard dart is a performance design: For parties with higher formality you could opt for a more elaborate plane to up your fanciness, but you'd have to be prepared for a corresponding hit to your stability andgeneral flight efficiency, which,considering napkins are already far from the ideal medium for paper airplanes...
Ok, Brain, I remembered. Are you happy now? Also, without legitimatizing this by expending literally another second contemplating it, I'm pretty sure I refute your assertion on the casserole front, so not really sure where that leaves us...
#When you know you're going to be without internet in the Amazon for a couple weeks so load your phone up with the most convenient audiobooks you have on hand... #As if you need an excuse to go through the Harry Potter books again...
Originally I was going to block them, but then I was too lazy to get around to it, and now I'm just curious to see exactly how long they'll hang in there...